Sunday, 17 February 2013

The oldest means of communication

Satellite communication

Mr. Post man 

The broadcasting station for any kind of news- The Radio

Communication is the transfer or transmission of some information and understanding from one person to another person.
The growth and advancement of communication today is tremendous. The discoveries and inventions in science and technology have improved the speed of exact information.In ancient days, trained birds were used to communicate messages as transport facilities were not available. Today, news is passed over the globe within a few seconds. Before the discovery of electricity and telegraph, messages were sent by fire, guns and cannons, as well as by the trumpets.Before Christ, news and messages were communicated by messengers. It was only later that messengers started using animals like horses, donkeys and camels.After the discovery of electricity and telegraph technology, the use of animals became rare. In 1861, the first step taken in the progress in communication was the use of telegraph wires. Since then we have never looked back and the use of electronic media is widely used and other medias are becoming obsolete.

The impact and progress of Science and Technology can be seen in everyday life. The world is shrinking each day as we integrate science more and more into our lives. The use of computers in our day to day life, and the use of multimedia as an educational tool as well as for entertainment etc. are increasing rapidly. Millions of computer systems are networked to the World Wide Web (WWW) and the internet or net is the most talked about word today. 

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